Posted on February 22, 2021

Solving a functional equation using Lean

Here is a problem from the 2019 Brazil Undergrad MO:

Find all functions \(f: \mathbb{R} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}\) satisfying \(f(x f(y) + f(x)) + f(y^2) = f(x) + y f(x + y)\)

I was curious to see if I could formalize and prove/verify this in Lean, so here goes.

§ Preparation

First I encode the given constraint in lean, as a predicate:

def prop (f :   ) : Prop := 
   x y : , f (x * f (y) + f (x)) + f (y * y) = f (x) + y * f (x + y)

So if we prove prop f for some f, then we have verified that f is one solution to the above problem.

§ First Steps

Before diving straight into it, I decided to verify two specific trivial solutions: the identity function and the zero function.

def idf :    := λ x, x

example : prop idf :=
  unfold prop idf,
  intros x y,
def zerof :  ->  := λ x, 0
example : prop zerof :=
  unfold prop zerof,
  intros x y,

These two really turned out to be trivial, and could directly be simplified.

§ Approach

I am not too familiar with Lean, so I do not know the full power of its tactic and simplification library. I am rather just using this to verify an existing proof, which I found by hand.

I first prove a bunch of lemmas, and finally show that the above two solutions are the only valid ones.

§ A few easy lemmas

I will skip the proofs here, as they are not very important. In case you are interested, the full proofs can be found here.

Plugging in $x = y = 0$ in the given equation, we get: $f(f(0)) = f(0)$

lemma f_0_0__eq__0 :  f, prop f  
  f(f(0)) = 0

Using the above lemma, and plugging $x = 0, y = 1$, we get $f(0) = 0$

lemma f_0__eq__0 :  f, prop f  
  f(0) = 0

Similarly - but just simple substitutions - we can show more results:

$f(x^2) = x f(x)$
$f(f(x)) = f(x)$

§ Division is hard

The first roadblock was when trying to prove $f(-x) = -f(x)$. By plugging in $x$ and $-x$ in $f(x^2) = x f(x)$, we get

$x f(x) = -x f(-x)$

One would trivially cancel out the $x$ here - implicitly using the fact that $f(0) = 0$ - and prove the lemma required. But in Lean, we need to formalize each step precisely.

First, the lemma itself:

lemma f_neg_x__eq__neg_f_x  :  f, prop f  
   x, f (- x) = - f (x)

Now, some basic unfolding and introductions of previous lemmas:

unfold prop,
intros f H x,
have fxx1 := f_x_sq__eq__x_f_x f H x,
have fxx2 := f_x_sq__eq__x_f_x f H (-x),

-- simplify all equations
simp at *,
rewrite fxx1 at fxx2,

We now have fxx2: x * f x = -(x * f (-x)). To divide, we must split into two cases - whether $x$ is $0$ or not. The x = 0 case simplifies directly.

cases classical.em (x = 0)
{ -- x = 0
  rewrite h,
  rewrite f_0__eq__0 f H,

I ended up invoking euclidean_domain for the rule b ≠ 0 → a * b = c → a = c / b

{ -- x ≠ 0
  ring at fxx2,
  have H3 : f (x) * x = -f (-x) * x, { rewrite fxx2, ring },
  have H4 := euclidean_domain.eq_div_of_mul_eq_left h H3,
  rewrite euclidean_domain.mul_div_cancel (-f (-x)) h at H4,
  rewrite H4,

Using the same strategy, we can also prove $f(x + y) = f(x) + f(y)$. This means that the function has to be additive.

§ Final Steps

Using additivity and the other lemmas, we can rewrite the initial equation as:

$f(x f(y) + f(x)) + f(y^2) = f(x) + y f(x + y)$
$= f(x f(y)) + f(f(x)) + f(y^2) = f(x) + y (f(x) + f(y))$
$= f(x f(y)) + f(x) + y f(y) = f(x) + y f(x) + y f(y)$
$= f(x f(y)) = y f(x)$

And now plugging $x = 1$, we get

$f(f(y)) = y f(1)$
$\implies f(y) = y f(1)$

So we know the function is a line through origin. To find $f(1)$, we can use idempotency.

$f(f(x)) = f(x)$
$\implies f(x) f(1) = f(x)$

This gives that either $f(x) = 0$ forall $x$, or $f(1) = 1$. We can do case analysis on $f(1) = 0$, to see if there is a non-zero value in the range.

lemma f1__eq__0_or_1 :  f, prop f 
  (f(1) = 0)  (f(1)  = 1)
:= begin
  intros f H,
  have Hlinear := fx__eq__x_f1 f H (f(1)), -- f(f(1)) = f(1) f(1)
  have Hidemp := f_x__eq_f_f_x f H 1, -- f(f(1)) = f(1)
  rewrite Hlinear at Hidemp, -- f(1)^2 = f(1)
  cases classical.em (f(1) = 0), {
  }, {
    have H' := @euclidean_domain.eq_div_of_mul_eq_left _ _ (f(1)) (f(1)) (f(1)) h Hidemp,
    field_simp at H',
    exact H',

That’s it! We finally showed that $f(1)$ is either 0 or 1, which gives us the exhaustive solution set.