Posted on February 23, 2021

Sprague-Grundy: Why is it XOR?

I have always wondered why the correct way to combine nim games is taking the XOR of their grundy numbers. But never got around to learning the theory behind it.

Recently, I had a very enlightening conversation with Siddharth Bhat. He showed me a very simple and elegant proof for this.

§ Definitions

Nim Game

There are a set of piles. Each pile could be a stack of coins or a tree etc.
Two players play a game - in a move a player chooses a particular pile and removes some number of coins or nodes. The exact game will define which moves are allowed. The player who cannot play a move loses.

Assuming both players play optimally, we want to find who wins a game.

Solving a single pile

We assign each state of a pile a non-negative integer value - called its grundy number. A losing state will have a grundy number of 0, and winning states will have a non-zero value.

To compute the grundy number of a state, we take the minimum excluded value among the grundy numbers of all states you can reach by playing one move.

\[MEX(S) = min_x(x \not \in S)\]

Notice that the trivial losing state - one where there are no moves left - gets a grundy number of 0.

P.s. Now, I still don’t know the proof for why the grundy number of a state is the MEX of all the child states. But I’ll take that fact for granted for now. I do hope to learn it someday, and will write about it then.

§ Group Structure in Nim

Now let us consider the set of all nim games. Each game is a collection of a certain number of (possibly-zero) piles. We can think of a game as an unordered multiset of piles

Now I define a binary operation $\oplus$ on the games: take the union (keeping duplicates). Notice that this operation has the following properties:

So we see that $(G, \oplus)$ forms an abelian monoid!

We can think of each element in $G$ as a grundy number for that game. And the binary operation combines two numbers giving another grundy number.


Now this is where the magic happens: Each element is its own inverse!

Consider a game $G$. Now when we take the game $G’ = G \oplus G$, the second player can always mirror the first player in the opposite pile. This gives a winning strategy for the second player no matter what $G$ is!
As there is only one losing element - $0$ - we get that $G’ = 0$.

So this means that $(G, \oplus)$ is an abelian group where each element is its own inverse. Why is this special? Because there is only one group (up to isomorphism) satisfying this property: the XOR group!

This gives us an isomorphism between the game group and the XOR group. And turns out that mapping is just the grundy numbers. More on that later!