Posted on March 07, 2021

A calculator in C++ - at compile time!

Calculator programs are usually one of the first practice programs people implement. And writing a basic one in c++ is pretty straightforward. But today, I’ll demonstrate how to use your compiler (say gcc or clang) as a calculator!

§ Extremely strong typing

C++ is a statically typed language. That is, each object in it has a well defined type at compile time. This is unlike, say python, where the types of objects need not be determinable at compile time.

Now we’ll define an even stricter integer type in C++:

template<int N> struct Integer { };

Here, Integer is a templatized type with no members. For example, an object of type Integer<0> is just an empty object. This is unlike the usual int type, where objects of the type could take any int value (in the appropriate range).

§ First operation: Addition

Now we define how to add two Integer<N> objects.

template<int N, int M>
Integer<N + M> add(Integer<N> n, Integer<M> m) {
  return Integer<N + M>();

Here, the add function takes two Integer<> objects, and returns another. But notice how it deduces the type of the result!

For example:

Integer<2> two;
Integer<3> three;
Integer<5> five = add(two, three); // OK
Integer<6> six = add(two, three); // compile error!

By making our types extremely strict (one type for each integer value), we can force the compiler to do arithmetic at compile time!

We can overload the + operator for better expressivity.

template<int N, int M>
Integer<N + M> operator+(Integer<N> n, Integer<M> m) {
  return Integer<N + M>();

auto six = three + three; // typeof(six) == Integer<6>

§ More operations

Extending this is pretty simple, just define more operators just like we did above.

template<int N, int M>
Integer<N * M> operator*(Integer<N> n, Integer<M> m) {
  return Integer<N * M>();

§ Takeaways

We are used to drawing a clear distinction between compilation and execution. The above exercise just demonstrates that they are not so different, and in fact the exact same thing! We just artificially split the total process into two phases, for improved efficiency or ease of use etc.

For instance, c++ does more type checking at compile time than python, while python defers it to runtime. Different languages choose different boundaries for the two, based on the trade-offs.

§ Challenge

We saw how to pull arithmetic from runtime to compile time in c++.

Now try to push some process from compile time to runtime: Can you create python-like objects in C++? (i.e. no type checking at compile time)