Codeforces API Utilities CI

Python wrappers for the Codeforces API, and support for generating an ICPC Tools event feed.


To install the package, first clone it and then install using pip:

pip install .

It is recommended to use a Virtual environment.

Optional: If you wish to run authorized API calls, copy example.env to .env and set the API parameters in it. Check CF API docs to see how to generate an API key.

Tool: ICPC Standings Resolver

Go to and download “Resolver”. Optionally you can download “Contest Utilities” to validate the generated files.

In Resolver, you should have the executables and In Contest Utilites, you should have the executable (others are not needed).

A basic CLI tool is provided: examples/ This tool can be used to generate a JSON event feed for the ICPC resolver tool.

  1. Run python examples/ <status_output_file.json> <standings_output_file.json> <feed.json>.

  2. cd to the resolver tool, and run ./ /path/to/feed.json

  3. (optional) To validate, run /path/to/ --validate feed.json.

  4. (optional) To edit the awards manually, cd to the resolver folder and run Select “Disk” and load the generated feed.json file.


Install the project in development mode:

pip install -e .[dev]

The CI checks can be run with make ci.

ICPC EventFeed dataclass

To generate/update the dataclasses for ICPCTools event feeds, first clone the ccs-specs submodule:

git submodule init
git submodule update

Now run datamodel-codegen to generate dataclasses from the JSONSchema:

datamodel-codegen \
    --input "ccs-specs/json-schema/event-feed-array.json" \
    --input-file-type jsonschema \
    --output cfutils/icpctools/ \
    --output-model-type dataclasses.dataclass \
    --target-python-version 3.11 \
    --use-standard-collections \
