cfutils.api package


cfutils.api.methods module

Helpers for Codeforces API Methods.

class cfutils.api.methods.APIMethod

Bases: ABC

Base class for codeforces API methods. See for the full list and information on each parameter.

Each class that inherits from this must also be marked as a dataclass. Use the dataclass parameters to define the API arguments. Allowed argument types:

T ::= int | str | bool | list[T] | Optional[T]
  • As from is a keyword in python, we instead use From for API parameters. This works as the API keys are case insensitive.

auth_required() bool

True if the method call requires authorization

buildAPICallURL(*, auth: bool = False)

Build the URL to call the CF API


auth – authorized API call, signed using your API key.


CFAPIError – when auth=True but API key/secret is not provided.


URL string

get(*, auth: bool = False, delay: float = 2.0, output_file: str | None = None, load_from_file: str | None = None)

Execute an API call to codeforces

  • auth – authorized API call, signed using your API key.

  • delay (optional) – number of seconds to wait before executing the call. Default is 2s.

  • output_file (optional) – write raw API response to file.

  • load_from_file (optional) – If this file exists, load data from it instead of running the API. Useful if you’ve already called the API or called it from a different source and saved the response.

  • CFAPIError – when API call fails.

  • CFAPIError – when auth=True but API key/secret is not provided.


“result” component of the API data returned, parsed appropriately into an object of type self.resultType().

abstract static name() str

API method name

abstract static resultType() type

Must be dataclass | list[dataclass] | list[str] | list[int]

class cfutils.api.methods.BlogEntry_Comments(blogEntryId: int)

Bases: APIMethod

Returns a list of comments to the specified blog entry.

blogEntryId: int
static name() str

API method name

static resultType() type

Must be dataclass | list[dataclass] | list[str] | list[int]

class cfutils.api.methods.BlogEntry_View(blogEntryId: int)

Bases: APIMethod

Returns blog entry.

blogEntryId: int
static name() str

API method name

static resultType() type

Must be dataclass | list[dataclass] | list[str] | list[int]

exception cfutils.api.methods.CFAPIError

Bases: Exception

class cfutils.api.methods.Contest_Hacks(contestId: int, asManager: bool = False)

Bases: APIMethod

Returns list of hacks in the specified contests. Full information about hacks is available only after some time after the contest end. During the contest user can see only own hacks.

asManager: bool = False
auth_required() bool

True if the method call requires authorization

contestId: int
static name() str

API method name

static resultType() type

Must be dataclass | list[dataclass] | list[str] | list[int]

class cfutils.api.methods.Contest_List(gym: bool = False)

Bases: APIMethod

Returns information about all available contests. If this method is called not anonymously, then all available contests for a calling user will be returned too, including mashups and private gyms.

gym: bool = False
static name() str

API method name

static resultType() type

Must be dataclass | list[dataclass] | list[str] | list[int]

class cfutils.api.methods.Contest_RatingChanges(contestId: int)

Bases: APIMethod

Returns rating changes after the contest.

contestId: int
static name() str

API method name

static resultType() type

Must be dataclass | list[dataclass] | list[str] | list[int]

class cfutils.api.methods.Contest_Standings(contestId: int, From: int, count: int, asManager: bool = False, showUnofficial: bool = False, room: int | None = None)

Bases: APIMethod

Returns the description of the contest and the requested part of the standings.

From: int
class Result(contest: cfutils.api.objects.Contest, problems: list[cfutils.api.objects.Problem], rows: list[cfutils.api.objects.RanklistRow])

Bases: CFObject

contest: Contest
problems: list[Problem]
rows: list[RanklistRow]
asManager: bool = False
contestId: int
count: int
static name()

API method name

static resultType() type

Must be dataclass | list[dataclass] | list[str] | list[int]

room: int | None = None
showUnofficial: bool = False
class cfutils.api.methods.Contest_Status(contestId: int, From: int, count: int, asManager: bool = False, handle: str | None = None)

Bases: APIMethod

Returns submissions for specified contest. Optionally can return submissions of specified user.

From: int
asManager: bool = False
auth_required() bool

True if the method call requires authorization

contestId: int
count: int
handle: str | None = None
static name() str

API method name

static resultType() type

Must be dataclass | list[dataclass] | list[str] | list[int]

class cfutils.api.methods.Problemset_Problems(tags: list[str], problemsetName: str | None = None)

Bases: APIMethod

Returns all problems from problemset. Problems can be filtered by tags.

class Result(problems: list[cfutils.api.objects.Problem], problemStatistics: list[cfutils.api.objects.ProblemStatistics])

Bases: JSONSerializable

problemStatistics: list[ProblemStatistics]
problems: list[Problem]
static name() str

API method name

problemsetName: str | None = None
static resultType() type

Must be dataclass | list[dataclass] | list[str] | list[int]

tags: list[str]
class cfutils.api.methods.Problemset_RecentStatus(count: int, problemsetName: str | None = None)

Bases: APIMethod

count: int
static name() str

API method name

problemsetName: str | None = None
static resultType() type

Must be dataclass | list[dataclass] | list[str] | list[int]

class cfutils.api.methods.RecentActions(maxCount: int)

Bases: APIMethod

maxCount: int

can be up to 100

static name() str

API method name

static resultType() type

Must be dataclass | list[dataclass] | list[str] | list[int]

class cfutils.api.methods.User_BlogEntries(handle: str)

Bases: APIMethod

handle: str
static name() str

API method name

static resultType() type

Must be dataclass | list[dataclass] | list[str] | list[int]

class cfutils.api.methods.User_Friends(onlyOnline: bool = False)

Bases: APIMethod

auth_required() bool

True if the method call requires authorization

static name() str

API method name

onlyOnline: bool = False
static resultType() type

Must be dataclass | list[dataclass] | list[str] | list[int]

class cfutils.api.methods.User_Info(handles: list[str])

Bases: APIMethod

handles: list[str]
static name()

API method name

static resultType() type

Must be dataclass | list[dataclass] | list[str] | list[int]

class cfutils.api.methods.User_RatedList(activeOnly: bool = True, includeRetired: bool = False)

Bases: APIMethod

activeOnly: bool = True
includeRetired: bool = False
static name() str

API method name

static resultType() type

Must be dataclass | list[dataclass] | list[str] | list[int]

class cfutils.api.methods.User_Rating(handle: str)

Bases: APIMethod

Rating history of the specified user.

handle: str
static name() str

API method name

static resultType() type

Must be dataclass | list[dataclass] | list[str] | list[int]

class cfutils.api.methods.User_Status(handle: str, From: int, count: int)

Bases: APIMethod

Submissions of specified user.

From: int
count: int
handle: str
static name() str

API method name

static resultType() type

Must be dataclass | list[dataclass] | list[str] | list[int]

cfutils.api.objects module

Codeforces API return objects. See for a full list and information on each parameter.

class cfutils.api.objects.BlogEntry(id: int, originalLocale: str, creationTimeSeconds: int, authorHandle: str, title: str, locale: str, allowViewHistory: bool, tags: list[str], rating: int, content: str | None = None, modificationTimeSeconds: int | None = None)

Bases: CFObject

allowViewHistory: bool
authorHandle: str
content: str | None = None
creationTimeSeconds: int
id: int
locale: str
modificationTimeSeconds: int | None = None
originalLocale: str
rating: int
tags: list[str]
title: str
class cfutils.api.objects.Comment(id: int, creationTimeSeconds: int, commentatorHandle: str, locale: str, text: str, rating: int, parentCommentId: int | None = None)

Bases: CFObject

commentatorHandle: str
creationTimeSeconds: int
id: int
locale: str
parentCommentId: int | None = None
rating: int
text: str
class cfutils.api.objects.Contest(id: int, name: str, type: cfutils.api.objects.ContestType, phase: cfutils.api.objects.ContestPhase, frozen: bool, durationSeconds: int, startTimeSeconds: int | None = None, relativeTimeSeconds: int | None = None, preparedBy: str | None = None, websiteUrl: str | None = None, description: str | None = None, difficulty: int | None = None, kind: str | None = None, icpcRegion: str | None = None, country: str | None = None, city: str | None = None, season: str | None = None)

Bases: CFObject

city: str | None = None
country: str | None = None
description: str | None = None
difficulty: int | None = None
durationSeconds: int
frozen: bool
icpcRegion: str | None = None
id: int
kind: str | None = None
name: str
phase: ContestPhase
preparedBy: str | None = None
relativeTimeSeconds: int | None = None
season: str | None = None
startTimeSeconds: int | None = None
type: ContestType
websiteUrl: str | None = None
class cfutils.api.objects.ContestPhase(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: Enum

class cfutils.api.objects.ContestType(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: Enum

CF = 'CF'
class cfutils.api.objects.Hack(id: int, creationTimeSeconds: int, hacker: cfutils.api.objects.Party, defender: cfutils.api.objects.Party, problem: cfutils.api.objects.Problem, verdict: cfutils.api.objects.HackVerdict | None = None, test: str | None = None, judgeProtocol: cfutils.api.objects.JudgeProtocol | None = None)

Bases: CFObject

creationTimeSeconds: int
defender: Party
hacker: Party
id: int
judgeProtocol: JudgeProtocol | None = None
problem: Problem
test: str | None = None
verdict: HackVerdict | None = None
class cfutils.api.objects.HackVerdict(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: Enum

class cfutils.api.objects.JudgeProtocol(manual: bool, protocol: str, verdict: str)

Bases: object

manual: bool
protocol: str
verdict: str
class cfutils.api.objects.Member(handle: str, name: str | None = None)

Bases: CFObject

handle: str
name: str | None = None
class cfutils.api.objects.ParticipantType(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: Enum

class cfutils.api.objects.Party(members: list[cfutils.api.objects.Member], participantType: cfutils.api.objects.ParticipantType, contestId: int | None = None, teamId: int | None = None, teamName: str | None = None, ghost: bool = False, room: int | None = None, startTimeSeconds: int | None = None)

Bases: CFObject

contestId: int | None = None
ghost: bool = False
members: list[Member]
participantType: ParticipantType
room: int | None = None
startTimeSeconds: int | None = None
teamId: int | None = None
teamName: str | None = None
class cfutils.api.objects.Problem(index: str, name: str, type: cfutils.api.objects.ProblemType, tags: list[str], contestId: int | None = None, problemsetName: str | None = None, points: float | None = None, rating: int | None = None)

Bases: CFObject

contestId: int | None = None
index: str
name: str
points: float | None = None
problemsetName: str | None = None
rating: int | None = None
tags: list[str]
type: ProblemType
class cfutils.api.objects.ProblemResult(points: float, rejectedAttemptCount: int, type: cfutils.api.objects.ProblemResultType, penalty: int | None = None, bestSubmissionTimeSeconds: int | None = None)

Bases: CFObject

bestSubmissionTimeSeconds: int | None = None
penalty: int | None = None
points: float
rejectedAttemptCount: int
type: ProblemResultType
class cfutils.api.objects.ProblemResultType(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: Enum

class cfutils.api.objects.ProblemStatistics(index: str, solvedCount: int, contestId: int | None = None)

Bases: CFObject

contestId: int | None = None
index: str
solvedCount: int
class cfutils.api.objects.ProblemType(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: Enum

class cfutils.api.objects.RanklistRow(party: cfutils.api.objects.Party, rank: int, points: float, penalty: int, successfulHackCount: int, unsuccessfulHackCount: int, problemResults: list[cfutils.api.objects.ProblemResult], lastSubmissionTimeSeconds: int | None = None)

Bases: CFObject

lastSubmissionTimeSeconds: int | None = None
party: Party
penalty: int
points: float
problemResults: list[ProblemResult]
rank: int
successfulHackCount: int
unsuccessfulHackCount: int
class cfutils.api.objects.RatingChange(contestId: int, contestName: str, handle: str, rank: int, ratingUpdateTimeSeconds: int, oldRating: int, newRating: int)

Bases: CFObject

contestId: int
contestName: str
handle: str
newRating: int
oldRating: int
rank: int
ratingUpdateTimeSeconds: int
class cfutils.api.objects.RecentAction(timeSeconds: int, blogEntry: cfutils.api.objects.BlogEntry | None = None, comment: cfutils.api.objects.Comment | None = None)

Bases: CFObject

blogEntry: BlogEntry | None = None
comment: Comment | None = None
timeSeconds: int
class cfutils.api.objects.Submission(id: int, creationTimeSeconds: int, relativeTimeSeconds: int, problem: cfutils.api.objects.Problem, author: cfutils.api.objects.Party, programmingLanguage: str, testset: cfutils.api.objects.Testset, passedTestCount: int, timeConsumedMillis: int, memoryConsumedBytes: int, verdict: cfutils.api.objects.Verdict | None = None, contestId: int | None = None, points: float | None = None)

Bases: CFObject

author: Party
contestId: int | None = None
creationTimeSeconds: int
id: int
memoryConsumedBytes: int
passedTestCount: int
points: float | None = None
problem: Problem
programmingLanguage: str
relativeTimeSeconds: int
testset: Testset
timeConsumedMillis: int
verdict: Verdict | None = None
class cfutils.api.objects.Testset(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: Enum

class cfutils.api.objects.User(handle: str, email: str | None = None, vkId: str | None = None, openId: str | None = None, firstName: str | None = None, lastName: str | None = None, country: str | None = None, city: str | None = None, organization: str | None = None, contribution: int | None = None, rank: str | None = None, rating: int | None = None, maxRank: str | None = None, maxRating: int | None = None, lastOnlineTimeSeconds: int | None = None, registrationTimeSeconds: int | None = None, friendOfCount: int | None = None, avatar: str | None = None, titlePhoto: str | None = None)

Bases: CFObject

avatar: str | None = None
city: str | None = None
contribution: int | None = None
country: str | None = None
email: str | None = None
firstName: str | None = None
friendOfCount: int | None = None
handle: str
lastName: str | None = None
lastOnlineTimeSeconds: int | None = None
maxRank: str | None = None
maxRating: int | None = None
openId: str | None = None
organization: str | None = None
rank: str | None = None
rating: int | None = None
registrationTimeSeconds: int | None = None
titlePhoto: str | None = None
vkId: str | None = None
class cfutils.api.objects.Verdict(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: Enum

OK = 'OK'