Posted on November 13, 2020

[Haskell for CP] Knapsack DP reinvented

Here is the problem Money Sums that I shared in my last blog

You have $n$ coins, with values $x_1, x_2 \ldots x_n$. You have to find all possible totals you can form with them.

§ The Recurrence

First, let us solve the problem the usual way. We formulate a recurrence which we solve using Dynamic Programming.

Let $P(i, s)$ be $1$ if it is possible to form a total of $s$ using the first $i$ coins. i.e. $x_1, x_2 \ldots x_i$.

We start with the base state - with no coins -

\[P(0, s) \equiv \begin{cases} \texttt{true} & s = 0 \\ \texttt{false} & s > 0 \\ \end{cases}\]

And this is the recurrence for using the first $i$ coins.

\[P(i, s) \equiv \begin{cases} \texttt{true} & s = 0 \\ \texttt{false} & 0 < s < x_i \\ P(i - 1, s - x_i) \lor P(i-1, s) & s \geq x_i \\ \end{cases}\]

For simplicity, let us define another family of sequences - $D$. \(D_i = \{ P(i, 0), P(i, 1), P(i, 2), \ldots \}\)

So we start with $D_0$ and to get $D_i$ from $D_{i - 1}$, we add the coin $x_i$.

§ Implementation

Let us start with the basic outline:

{-# LANGUAGE ParallelListComp #-}
import Control.Arrow ((>>>))

main :: IO ()
main = interact $
  words -- split the input into words
    >>> drop 1 -- drop `n`
    >>> map read -- convert to `Int`s
    >>> solve
    >>> map show -- convert `Int`s to `String`s
    >>> showWithLength -- show length and then the list
    showWithLength xs = unlines [show $ length xs, unwords xs]

Language Extension: ParallelListComp

I will write my solutions here using some syntactic sugar for zip. This just makes it easier to read.

Here is an example.

zipAdd' :: [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int]
zipAdd' xs ys = [ x + y | x <- xs | y <- ys ]

You can add mutiple lists, separated by a pipe symbol. This is equivalent to zipping all of them, with the expression at the start.


We want a function that computes $D_i$ from $D_{i - 1}$, by adding $x_i$ to the set. Let us call $D_{i - 1}$ as dp, and the new value $D_i$ as dp'.

To compute dp'[s], recall the recurrence we defined. We need dp[s] and dp[s - x]. Define dpx[s] = dp[s - x] by just prepending False x times to dp.

Now we get dp'[s] = dp[s] || dpx[s]. This is computed by directly zipping them with ||.

next :: [Bool] -> Int -> [Bool]
next dp x = [ p || p' | p <- dp | p' <- dpx ]
    dpx = replicate x False ++ dp

This implies that dp' = next dp x.

You can try running this with a some samples by firing up gchi. Load this file and call the next function. Remember that dp is an infinite list. You can use take n to see the first n elements of it.

ghci> dp0 = True : repeat False
ghci> dp1 = next dp0 3
ghci> dp2 = next dp1 4
ghci> take 8 dp2
ghci> take 8 (zip [0..] dp2)

Final solution

Finally just apply the updates sequentially on the initial DP state: \(D_0 \equiv \{\texttt{true}, \texttt{false}, \texttt{false}, \ldots\}\).

solve :: [Int] -> [Int]
solve xs = dpIxsTrue
    -- D_0
    dp0 = True : repeat False
    -- compute the full final DP
    dp = foldl next dp0 xs
    -- pair with indices, upto the total
    dpWithIxs = [(i, p) | i <- [0..sum xs] | p <- dp]
    -- only take the True ones, excluding 0
    dpIxsTrue = [ i | (i, p) <- dpWithIxs, p == True, i > 0]

A very nice use of laziness. We just took the mathematical definition of the DP, and let it run till infinity. This also gives us a clean implementation, which is intuitive to understand.

Here is a link to my final submission. I have written two variants for solve there, one same as above, and one without using infinite lists.

§ Next Problem

In the next blog I will discuss these two easy problems: CSES: Repetitions and AtCoder: GCD On Blackboard.

Happy Haskelling!

§ Acknowledgements

I am incredibly grateful to Siddharth Bhat for his invaluable feedback.