This week I will be discussing a couple of basic problems: Repetitions and GCD on Blackboard
Let us first pull up some basic imports.
import Control.Arrow ((>>>))
import Data.List (group, sort)
This problem asks for the longest substring of equal characters. Usually, we iterate through the string keeping a running counter, and reset it whenever the character changes.
solveA1 :: String -> Int
solveA1 s = maximum groupLengths
groups = group s
groupLengths = map length groups
But notice that we can chain the functions and reduce this code.
solveA :: String -> Int
solveA = maximum . map length . group
And finally the main function - take the first line as a string and pass it to solve.
mainA :: IO ()
mainA = interact $ lines >>> head >>> solveA >>> show
There is an array \(A_1, A_2, \ldots A_n\). You essentially have to maximize the GCD of the array after removing one element of your choice.
The first observation is that the GCD will be some factor of a number that remains in the array. Now we know that either $A_1$ or $A_2$ will remain for sure (we can only remove one element). So we need to check for all factors of $A_1$ and $A_2$. For a candidate, we have to check if at least $n - 1$ of the numbers are divisible by it.
First let us write a function to generate factors of a number. For any number, we only need to check for factors up to its square root. The others will be the number divided by one of the small factors already computed.
factors :: Int -> [Int]
factors n = smallFacs ++ (reverse largeFacs) -- reverse to get ascending order
cands = takeWhile ((<= n) . (^2)) [1..] -- take all x s.t. x^2 <= n
smallFacs = filter ((==0) . (n `mod`)) cands -- only those x s.t. n `mod` x == 0
largeFacs = map (n `div`) smallFacs
We can compress this in a more haskell-ey way as:
factors' :: Int -> [Int]
factors' n =
sort .
concatMap (\x -> [x, n `div` x]) .
filter ((== 0) . (n `mod`)) .
takeWhile ((<= n) . (^ 2)) $
[1 ..]
We need to write a function which gives the largest factor of a number that divides at least $n - 1$ elements in the array.
bestCD :: [Int] -> Int -> Int
bestCD xs = last . filter hasEnough . factors'
-- True if there is at most one number that is not divisible by f
hasEnough f = length [ x | x <- xs, x `mod` f /= 0] <= 1
And finally the full solution:
solveB :: [Int] -> Int
solveB xs = max (bestCD xs (xs !! 0)) (bestCD xs (xs !! 1))
mainB :: IO ()
mainB = interact $ words >>> drop 1 >>> map read >>> solveB >>> show
I will try to implement DFS (efficiently) on graphs. I have not found
any good resources for this, apart from the Data.Graph