In this blog I attempt to solve the Partition Problem using Haskell. The key is to utilize laziness to cleanly express the standard dynamic-programming solution for the problem.
Partition Problem - Compute the number of partitions for a given integer $n$ - ways of writing n as a sum of positive integers. Two sums that differ only in the order of their summands are considered the same partition.
This is a fairly standard problem, solved using a recurrence.
Let $P(n, x)$ be the number of partitions of $n$, such that the smallest element in it is $x$. We define this recurrence for $n \geq 1$ and $x \geq 1$.
\[P(n, x) \equiv \begin{cases} \sum_{y = x}^{n - x} P(n - x, y) & x < n \\ 1 & x = n \\ 0 & x > n \\ \end{cases}\]Note: An empty summation is $0$.
We define a list of lists $dp$, to store the computed values.
-- a "two dimensional" memory/array; realized as a list of lists.
type Mem2D a = [[a]]
-- the memoized values of the recurrence $P$
-- P(n, x) = dp !! n !! x
dp :: Mem2D Integer
-- compute P(n, x)
getP :: Int -> Int -> Integer
getP n x = dp !! n !! x -- extract the corresponding element
-- #partitions of n
partitions :: Int -> Integer
partitions n = sum $ dp !! n
Notice that $dp$ here is not a function, just a global constant list! But unlike usual programming languages, we can give Haskell a recipe to compute the elements of the list, which in turn can use previous elements. This works because Haskell is lazily evaluated.
Implementation trick: We only store non-trival values. The zeros (for
the $x > n$ case) are not stored.
To compute dp[n][x]
, we implement the above recurrence:
sum -- Add all the values, i.e. dp[n - x][x ..]
$ drop x -- drop the first x values. i.e. dp[n - x][0 .. x - 1]
$ dp !! (n - x) -- Take dp[n - x]
Now let us put this together and build the entire $dp$ list.
dp =
[] : -- dp[0]
[ 0 : -- dp[n][0] (padding, unused)
[sum $ drop x $ dp !! (n - x) -- dp[n][1..n - 1]
| x <- [1 .. n - 1]
++ [1] -- dp[n][n]
| n <- [1 ..]
That is it! Just a few lines to compute all the dp values! In Haskell,
when a list is forced, it either evaluates to []
or to x : xs
, where
is not forced yet. So the computation forces one element at a time,
which nicely preserves the order of computation. This ensures that the
results for smaller $n$ values are computed first.
ghci> take 5 dp
ghci> dp !! 6
ghci> dp !! 5 !! 1 -- same as `getP 5 1`
5 -- the sequences are: (1, 1, 1, 1, 1); (1, 1, 1, 2); (1, 1, 3); (1, 2, 2); (1, 4)
ghci> partitions 5
We can extend the above code to not just count the partitions, but to actually compute all of them. Instead of adding up the subproblem counts, we take the subproblem partition lists, and prepend the current element $x$ to it.
First, let us declare some types and the sequences
type Partition = [Int] -- A single partition, just a list.
type Partitions = [Partition] -- A collection of partitions.
-- sequences !! n !! x - list of all partitions of n with smallest value x
sequences :: Mem2D Partitions
-- collect all partitions of n
allPartitions :: Int -> Partitions
allPartitions n = concat $ sequences !! n
To compute all partitions of $n$ with smallest value $x$, we write something similar:
map (x :) -- prepend `x` to each of those partitions
-- now we have a big list of all partitions of `n - x`, starting with any y >= x
$ concat -- concatenate all the lists corresponding to different starting values
-- now we have multiple lists, each list contains a set of partitions
$ drop x -- drop the ones starting with values < x
$ sequences !! (n - x) -- partitions of n starting with x
Putting it together:
sequences =
[] : -- partitions of 0 (empty, just for padding)
[ [] : -- partitions of n starting with 0 (empty, just for padding)
[ map (x :) $ concat $ drop x $ sequences !! (n - x) -- partitions of n starting with x
| x <- [1 .. n - 1]
++ [[[n]]] -- partitions of n starting with n - only one partition: (n)
| n <- [1 ..]
A few example values evaluated in the interpreter:
ghci> take 5 sequences
ghci> sequences !! 5
ghci> allPartitions 5