Solution and explanation for Problem F. Ley Lines from the ICPC World Finals 2020, along with the implementation.
There is also a short video editorial from ICPCNews, with Yakov Dlougach explaining the solution.
(Link) You have $n$ ($3 \le n \le 3000$) points and a pencil of thickness $t$. Find the maximum number of points you can cover with a single stroke.
You can just draw over the line joining them. So now the non-trivial problem is, are there 3 or more points you can cover?
First, let us pull out our Point
using dbl = long double;
const dbl PI = acos(-1);
const dbl EPS = 1e-18;
inline bool zero(dbl a) { return fabs(a) < EPS; }
template <class T>
struct Point {
using P = Point<T>;
T x, y;
Point(T x, T y) : x(x), y(y) {}
explicit Point() : x(0), y(0) {}
bool operator==(const P &p) const { return zero(x - p.x) && zero(y - p.y); }
P operator-(const P &p) const { return P(x - p.x, y - p.y); }
P operator+(const P &p) const { return P(x + p.x, y + p.y); }
P operator*(T s) const { return P(x * s, y * s); }
P operator/(T s) const { return P(x / s, y / s); }
T cross(const P &p) const { return x * p.y - y * p.x; }
T dot(const P &p) const { return x * p.x + y * p.y; }
T norm2() const { return dot(*this); }
dbl norm() const { return sqrt(norm2()); }
dbl angle() const { return atan2(y, x); }
P rot90() const { return P(-y, x); }
P unit() const { return P(x / norm(), y / norm()); }
using P = Point<dbl>;
Now we need to compute the slopes of the tangents
pair<dbl, dbl> tangents(const P &p, dbl r) {
const dbl alpha2 = 1 - (r * r) / p.norm2();
const P v = p.unit() * sqrt(alpha2);
const P vp = p.unit().rot90() * sqrt(1 - alpha2);
return {(v - vp).angle(), (v + vp).angle()};
Now, the full solution:
// faster to read as ints instead of floats
inline int read() { int v; cin >> v; return v; }
int main() {
const int n = read(); // number of points
const dbl t = read(); // thickness of the pencil
vector<P> pts(n); // the points
for (auto &p : pts) {
p.x = read();
p.y = read();
// the event list, pair of angle and entry/exit flag.
vector<pair<dbl, bool>> ev;
auto add_event = [&](dbl s, dbl e) { // enter at angle `s`, exit at `e`.
while (e < s)
e += 2 * PI;
for (dbl off : {0.0l, 2 * PI}) {
ev.emplace_back(s + off, true);
ev.emplace_back(e + off, false);
int ans = 2; // two points always possible
for (auto p : pts) { // pick the first point on the boundary, as origin.
for (auto q : pts) {
if (p == q) continue;
q = q - p; // translate the point
if (q.norm() <= t) { // case 1
dbl a = q.angle();
add_event(a, a + PI);
} else { // case 2
auto [a, b] = tangents(q, t);
auto c = q.angle();
add_event(c, b);
add_event(a + PI, c + PI);
// sort by angle, and for equal angle, prefer entry events
sort(ev.begin(), ev.end(), [&](auto l, auto r) {
if (zero(l.fst - r.fst)) return l.snd && !r.snd;
return l.fst < r.fst;
// angle sweep to process the rotation of the stroke.
int cur = 1, best = 1;
for (const auto &[_, e] : ev) {
cur += (e ? 1 : -1);
best = max(best, cur);
ans = max(ans, best);
cout << ans << endl;
return 0;